Recommendation 2

Recommendation #2: Coordinate practices for a comprehensive one-university approach to optimizing student mental health that emphasizes the university-wide impact of building and sustaining a culture of care and well-being.

Action Strategies Proposed Outcomes

Develop a monthly Mental Health and Well-being Community of Practice sub-council as part of the One University Health and Wellness Council to allow those doing the work to hear and coordinate what is available across campus and areas of opportunity

Attendance at monthly sessions and representation of specific areas

Reports of engagement levels for programs

Web site hub with hits tracked


Increase collaboration and partnership with providers in the broad campus and Columbus community as students are referred to long-term counseling in the off-campus area

Track numbers of partners as referral sources

Reports of student referrals

Require students to take the wellness assessment as part of the first-year experience to set a baseline of mental health and well-being, connecting them with resources right away

Percent of students who complete assessment based on admissions per semester

Growth each semester

Student mental health survey data

Track follow up efforts

Graduation and drop out student rates   

Increase the number of faculty who complete the LIVE WELL seminar series, which is focused on incorporating mental health and well-being strategies into curricula/courses by 15% annually

Track participant numbers

Track growth

Evaluation data

Evidence in course syllabi and Carmen activities

Increase the number of faculty, staff and students who complete mental health first aid training by 15% annually

Track participant numbers

Track growth

Evaluation data

Rates of student referrals for services

Conduct study on outcomes

Expand the graduate health sciences student wellness onboarding program to all graduate students, which includes a mental health and well-being assessment and the evidence-based cognitive behavioral skills building MINDSTRONG program

Track participant numbers

Track growth

Evaluation data

Improve collaboration and partnership with Office of Academic Affairs and the Graduate School and Professional Schools to incorporate mental health support and resources into their process and the classroom

Track graduate and professional student well-being survey responses

Include well-being/mental health content in orientations

Track rates of graduate and professional student use of mental health and well-being services

Track faculty survey responses regarding their role in students’ well-being 

Minimize the negative impact or perceptions of mental health crisis intervention by law enforcement by developing a joint response unit, including public safety and mental health/social work professionals

Survey data

Offer de-escalation and mental health first aid training for Residence Life staff

Track participant numbers

Track growth

Evaluate data